dilluns, 26 de gener del 2009

Yamakasi (2001)


I would like to apologize for my absence. I've been really busy this month with my university exams, so I've had to leave the blog for a few time.

However, I think this days in class we have talked about many interesting topics: swapping houses, freeruning, Richard Dawkins,... I have a lot of things that I would can talk about.

Today, I'm going to summerize a film called "Yamakasi" because it's a great example of Parkour of Freerunning. I'm sure you would enjoy a lot with it because this sport has a lot of acrobatics. For me, it's like a dance, the freeflowers look for an aesthetic and a beauty too. In spite of a bad story, you could watch a good sign of this physical art.