divendres, 26 de juny del 2009

Hello everybody!

First of all, I've to say I'm sorry for my delay. I haven't had enought time for writing something presentable after the loving Nuria's post. But when I went to the Nuria's party yesterday, I felt that I really had to write something to her, here, in the blog. I had to thank another time all the things she has done for me this year.
As Nuria says, obviously I've to say that formation has been the motor of my life too. I have known a few really special teachers that at last, they have become very meaningful for me. I took them as a model. I've found that two funny teachers in high school, two powerful woman: the hyperactive physics teacher and passionate literature teacher. Besides, I've found the freaky piano teacher in the universtity. But however, I've never been homaged by any teacher, until yesterday in Nuria's party, a party in honor of her.
Nuria posted a great post talking about this year a week ago, and made me feel special another time. Nuria read a poem writed by me in front of tens of people yesterday. Nuria talks about me many times.Of course, I'm not this person, the person she thinks I am.
Although I want to clap her help, her incredible academic memories, her present, (you have to know she writes very well in catalan too) and her enviable vitality.

Thanks Nuria!

dimecres, 27 de maig del 2009

Look at me

Odilon Redon, a French painter, was an individualist who believed in the superiority of the imagination over observation of nature, rejected the Realism and Impressionism of his contemporaries in favor of a more personal artistic vision. He shared the same enthusiasm for the fantastic as the Symbolist movement did. He believed in the mystical, and sublime forces found beneath the surface of everyday life. Using nature as his starting point, Redon imagined new worlds through his enigmatic creations, such as this lithograph called The Eye Like a Strange Balloon Mounts Toward Infinity (1882). I love it!

dijous, 30 d’abril del 2009

Hansel and Gretel

"In my english classes at Stuyvesant High School the students agree that nothing on television or out of Hollywood could equal in violence and horror, the story of Hansel and Gretel. How can we subject children to the story of some asshole of a father who is so dominated by his new wife he's willing to lose his kids in the woods and let them starve to death? How can we tell children how Hansel and Gretel were locked up by that witch who wanted to fatted and cook them? And is there anything more horrible than the scene where they push her into the fire?"
page 257

In my new english book, appears a curious reflection about this tale. I wouldn't never say that...I've always thought that the witch's house could be my own heaven...I'm so sweet tooth!

dimecres, 29 d’abril del 2009

Stop motion

I saw this video on youtube. It's so elaborate. It is made with an animation technique called "stop motion". It consists of making an illusion: objects seem to move on its own. However, the objects are moved in small periods of time between individually photographed frames, creating illusion of movement when the series of frames are played as a continuos sequence.

Saint George's Day

Let's talk about the best day in the year: Saint George's Day!
For me, it's the most beautiful tradition that we celebrate in our culture. I think is a magic date because the streets fill up with culture and gorgeous red flowers.
The rose has always been valued for its beauty and has a long history of symbolism. The ancient Greeks and Romans identified the rose with their goddesses of love: Aphrodite (Venus). Besides, Christians identified the five petals of the rose with the five wounds of Christ and it was adopted as a symbol of the blood of the Christian martyrs too... Anyway, it's so perfect!

Above all, it's an explosion of inspiration. How many writings are created when this tradition arrives? This year, I've the honor to work in a book shop...it's crazy but really worthy! Everybody has to read something this day, everybody wants to discover a new book... people look for new stories, new adventures,... only for one day, most of the people believe in the reading's magic.

About the meaning of the word "art"

I've read in my new english book this paragraph that makes me think a lot:

"There was one scene he painted over and over on cavases of various sizes: a group of women in bright pastel head scarves and long flowing silky dresses stood on a beach looking out the sea. I asked him if someone had drowned or were they waiting for something? He shook his head. He didn't know. How could he? He had just put those women there and he wasn't going to interfere with them. That's what he disliked about certain artists and writers. They interfered and pointed to everything as if you couldn't see or read for yourself. Not Van Gogh. Look at Van Gogh."

Just think about it... Don't worry about the meaning of a poem, or a painting, or a writing,... Even the artist won't know that. However, when you saw this painting, when you read this piece of writing...something happened in your head, in your body. If you feel something, I think this creation could be a real work of art. What's art? I can't say it yet. Why? It is a huge word, with a lot of concepts in it. I think art it's a mistery and we have to explore his ways, everything...for understanding it.

dissabte, 25 d’abril del 2009

Uncanny story

I'm so sorry but I don't know an uncanny story. I've never like to think in this kind of things because I'm a really frightened person.
So, solution! I've surfed on the Net and I've found a book: "Thirteen Uncanny Stories" by Hans Henny Jahnn. Take a look at this blog!

dimecres, 8 d’abril del 2009

Super Size Me

"Super size me" is an American documentary written in 2004 by Morgan Spurlock, an American independent filmaker. The thing is he limits himself to only eating McDonald's food. The film documents this lifestyle's effects on his physical and psychological condition. He is supervised by four doctors and a personal trainer: a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, a nutritionist and a general practitioner. All the health professionals predict the "Mcdiet" will have unwelcome effects on his body, but none expect anything too drastic, because they consider that the human body is "extremely adaptable". In fact, he has some challenges:
  • He must consume three McDonald's meals per day.
  • If Mc Donald's employees offer him, the supersize menu, he must accept it.
  • He will attempt to walk about as much as a typical American, but he can't walk more. If he has to walk more, he must get a taxi.
In conclusion, he consumes 5000 calories per day. As a result, the 32-year-old Spurlock gained 11 kg, a 13 % body mass increases and experienced mood swings, sexual dysfunction and a big liver damage. It took fourteen months to lose the weight he gained.

I think it's a really interesting documentary because it talks about the increasing obesity in the United States that I consider a big health problem. However, it's fun and well done so, you could enjoy it so much.

And the biggest contradiction: his girlfriend (now, his wife) is a vegan chef!!

divendres, 27 de març del 2009

The inside story

Yesterday, when I was listening a great song, I discover an expression that we studied on Wednesday. I found it curious, so I'm going to show you it.

Wait, wait! Stop the wedding!
You're just marrying her for spite
If she knew the inside story
She'd tell you what you're doing just aint right
I know you dont wanna hurt me
So stop this madness before it starts
Revenge will only cause you regret

If some day, you have to stop a wedding, I would recommend this incredible song :)

dimecres, 25 de març del 2009

The IT Crowd

In unit 10, we have talked about the word "creep" and the word "nerd". Few days ago, I post a video of i characters (The Big Bang Theory). I would recommend you another serie that talks about it: IT Crowd (Information Tecnology). It's a British sitcom created in 2006 by Graham Lineham. Please watch this video, and maybe you would understand how computer technician feel with the doubts of their costumers:

dissabte, 21 de març del 2009

I'm yours by Jason Mraz

PLEASE! Just listen this song and enjoy it! Your mood will change! I feel so happy every time I listen it... :D

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
and now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my best test
Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love
Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me
A lá peaceful melody
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved

So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
My breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and laughed
I guess what I'ma saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue

I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
this is our fate, I'm yours

Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find the sky is yours
Listen to the music of the moment come and dance with me
A lá one big family (2nd time: A lá happy family; 3rd time: A lá peaceful melody)
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love love love

I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

No please, don't complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

No please, don't hesitate
no more, no more
It cannot wait
The sky is your's!

Daniel Johnson


I've investigated a little bit about Daniel Johnson, the singer of the funny video"Lousy weekend" that we saw in class long time ago.
Daniel was born in 1961 in Sacramento, California but his family soon moved to New Cumberland, West Virginia, where his father, an engineer and World War II fighter pilot, got a job. He is the youngest of five children.
He drew for a long time before he played music. Daniel appreciates the music of Bob Dylan, Neil Young, but especially The Beatles.
Today, Daniel Johnson is a great artist, a singer, a songwriter and he has recorded more than thirty albums. Besides, he has several funs! I think it's a great combination: simple funny lyrics and naives cartoons.


dijous, 12 de març del 2009

Picnic at Hanging Rock

I looked forward to watch the film "Picnic at Hanging Rock" long time ago because I wanted to see his Aesthetics. My big cold has been an excuse for watching it! In fact, I really appreciated it, it's very nice: a lot of flowers, white dresses, pretty faces, a wonderful countryside,... I agree with Nuria: it is a Pre-raphaelte tale.
However, I don't like the story. I find it stupid, without sense. For this reason, I've read a little about it:
I found that "Picnic at Hanging Rock" is a novel by Joan Lindsay, an Australian author. It was first published in 1967 but the plot is placed in XIX century. The film was created in 1975. The mysterious disappearances that happen during that outing have been explained as paranormal elements.
I'm so sorry, but I can't believe in it without any explanation. That's why I wanted to find something more sensible and I found "The secret of Hanging Rock", an unpublished chapter that contains the solution to the mystery. It was originally written as the final chapter. Actually, it was a discussion by some authors (John Taylor, Yvonne Rousseau,...). They agree that much of the power of the book stems from the suggestion that it was a real story, and the fact that the mystery in the book was never solved. So, that explains the decision by the author to remove this material. In conclusion, the success of the book is the several theories that it has created!

diumenge, 8 de març del 2009

Lemon Tree & Etta James

This post wants to do a music reflection but before starting, I would like to talk about labels. In class, I have been given the label of "the cinema expert girl", and I'm sure that's not true. In fact, I've no idea about the most important movies in the history! I only like watching films but most of them are commercial films, so maybe I'm not a real movie buff. If you have been reading my blog, you could see that I talk about everything, well, about artistic things but I don't care if they are related to painting, music, cinema or literature. Undeniably, I love art and I can't hide my passion, so I'm sure most of the members of my class knows who I am. It isn't a secret.

Today I would like to talk about different a kind of musical impressions. I'm going to put two examples to explain it. In music, I think you could find a great song that moves you but then, if you look for other music of the group songs, you would realize that you don't like his music.
That happens to me with "Lemon Tree" by Fools Garden. "Lemon Tree" is a song by a German pop band from the album "Dish of the Day" wich was released as a single in 1995 and became an international hit in 1996. I think it's great because it has a rhythm that give goose bumps.
The same experience has happened to me with "I want to make love to you" by Etta James, recorded in her album called "At last". Of course, they have different styles but I'm making generalizations. But the powerful voice of this American blues, soul, gospel and jazz singer and songwriter gives me put goose bumps too. This song has been written by Willie Dixon and in 1996, with the Etta James's version became popular in the UK. So, what is the difference? I think if I listen all the Etta James's discography and I will like all her music (I have done it more or less). That's the difference of a great hit and a great singer/group!!

dissabte, 7 de març del 2009

Pumpkin Soup

Have you ever heard about a British illustrator called Helen Cooper? I love her! Besides, I love children illustrations too. Fantasy and tenderness walk together in this kind of pictures. Her children's books have been really successful. She won a medal for the tale called "Pumpkin Soup", created in 1998. The story seems so charming.

Do you like this paint? I've copied it because I love it. Of course, it can't be the same but I try it!

Beats of poetry

While I was rereading "Dead Poets Society", I found this O'Shaughnessy's piece of poem (page 56):

We are the music makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world for ever, it seems.

First of all, I didn't know why I liked it. But then, I realized that it was the rhythm and the rhyme that moves me. For this reason, I've come to conclusion, that this two elements are indispensable for poetry and music. What do you think?

dijous, 5 de març del 2009


After watching the Nicenet's video about happiness, I would like to write my opinion about it. That's food for thoughts!
I'm not a philosopher but to my mind it's really difficult to define happiness. The woman of the documentary said "That's happiness!" when she talked about little things like an ice cream but how do you define happiness? What's happiness exactly? It's true that sweets bring us pleasure but I think it's so daring to declare it as happiness. Do you agree with me? Of course, there are some values that contributtes with this concept: health, love, familly, work, passions. Some things as tasty food help to it and other things are indispensable as love for example. However I think that maybe we could find this deeper feeling if all the elements walks together at the same time. I've to point that the needs of people are different and they could organisz in different ways but in fact, the secret is finding an harmony.
What do you think about it?
Please, tell me!

The Big Bang Theory

Today I recommend you a funny series. The Big Bang Theory is an American comedy created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady in 2007. The story maybe could seem very simple: two clever scientists (Leonard and Sheldon) live behind a blonde waitress (Penny). Leonard falls in love with her but she thinks they are a bunch of nerds. Of course, they have two friends with similar freaky hobbies : a hot Jew (Howard) and a shy Indian boy.(Rajesh) The contrast of Leonard and Sheldon's geekiness and intellect with Penny's socials skills and common sense are really great.

You will dye laughing! His witty and fresh humour has grabbed the audience! Besides, if you like science you will enjoy most of the jokes!

dilluns, 23 de febrer del 2009

Food for thoughts

Strange Fruits

By Billie Holiday and Abel Meeropol (1937)

Southern trees bear strange fruit,

Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,

Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze,

Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.

Pastoral scene of the gallant south,

The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth,

Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh,

Then the sudden smell of burning flesh.

Here is fruit for the crows to pluck,

For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck,

For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop,

Here is a strange and bitter crop.

When we hear "strange fruits" it's easy to imagine an exotic fruit like strawberries, blueberries, pineapples, watermelon... However, in this song you would be wrong. There is a metaphor about some terrible acts that happened in America. The song condemned American racism, particularly the lynching of African Americans that had occurred chiefly in the South but also in all regions of the United States. In conclusion, it talks about all the corpses that hung on trees.

dimarts, 17 de febrer del 2009


Have you ever heard about a strange religion called The Flying Spaghetti Monster??
I'm not joking, of course it exists!
In fact, it's a parody religion that appeared in 2005 by Bobby Henderson. It was a satirical protest to the decision by the Kansas State to teach "Intelligent design" as an alternative to the theory of evolution. Intelligent design was a movement that used ambiguous references to an intelligent designer of our world, a supernatural creator.
For that reason, Henderson invented a new theory of creation called Pastafarian and he wanted to teach in science classrooms. There are other versions of this idea. The Invisible Pink Unicorn is another satiric parody religion. It talks about a god that takes the form of an unicorn that is paradoxically both invisible and pink. In fact, it wants to argue that supernatural beliefs are arbitrary.
In conclusion, I think Pastafarian is a perfect religion to pass on your kids, behind the other religious beliefs. Are you spagnostic? Please, say yes!!! I think it's better than being religious, atheist or agnostic! (Here, I'm kidding, don't get annoyed with me please!)

diumenge, 15 de febrer del 2009

Great cartoon!

If you want more, go to the web: http://xkcd.org/523/
Enjoy it!

diumenge, 8 de febrer del 2009

Mobile phone terms

Today, it's been a cleaning day. I've tidied up my english notebooks and surprisingly, I've found a big list of mobile phone terms: abbreviations for writing faster and with less letters. It's an amazing slang! That makes me think that language is constantly changing.

So, let me show you some examples!
I'm going to organize the list in different levels:

LEVEL 1 (easy to guess it!)
ASAP : as soon as possible.
COZ: because.
DA: day.
EZ: easy.
H8: hate.
L8: late.
LV: love.
PLS: please.
NE: any.
M8: mate (friend)
Y: Why?
B: be

LEVEL 2. A bit more difficult! Go ahead!
NP: no problem!
PAW: parents are wathcing.
PPL: people.
SUM: someone.
TMB: text me back.
2MORO: tomorrow.
2nite: tonight.
RU: Are you?

LEVEL 3. That could be hard!
TTYL: talk to you later.
TYUM: Thank you very much.
WUD: What are you doing?
IyQ: I like you!
IM2GUD4U: I'm too good for you.
WYGOWM: Will you go out?
URA: You are a star! (this is impossible to guess!)

And what is the meaning of SMS? Do you know it?
Short Message Service!!!

dissabte, 7 de febrer del 2009


Few days ago, Gentleman recommended me a british soul singer and songwriter called Seal. First of all, I thought "Why not?" and I visited his own web (http://www.seal.com/). His voice surprised me, so I downloaded a couple of his albums. Besides, there is something in his face, that makes him very handsome, don't you think it?
His most famous song is "Kiss from a rose". Enjoy it!

Recommendations are a chain. Maybe, there will be one other student that maybe would like this artist. What do you think?

diumenge, 1 de febrer del 2009


To look on nature, not as in the hour
Of thoughtless youth, but hearing oftentimes
The still, sad music of humanity,
Nor harsh nor grating, but of ample power
To chasten and subdue. And I have felt
A presence that disturbs me with the joy
Of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime
Of something far more deeply interfused,
Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns,
And the round ocean and the living air,
and the blue sky, and in the mind of man:
A motion and a spirit that impels
All thinking things, all objects of all thought,
And rolls through all things.

In aesthetics, the word sublime means the quality of greatness or vast magnitude. So, nothing else can be compared with it!
This concept comes from an ancient philosophy but in eighteenth century, there were a british philosphy that theorize about it. Shaftesbury and Edmund Burke are some of the most important philosophers. However, Kant talks about it, and Victor Hugo touched on aspects of the sublim in many of his poems.
They used to explain it with nature: big storms, huge waterfalls, volcanos erupted, heavy avalanches,...
In spanish, we can compare it with the increase of adrenaline...a "subidón" :).
There is a really famous painting that illustrates it. "Wanderer above the Sea of Fog" by Caspar David Friedrich. However, all the romantic paintings wants to find this concept: Turner, Friedrich, Constable, Dahl...Nevertheless, I think that in this aspect, Turner is the most representative painter.

Curiously, there's a music group called "Sublime". Awful! It's so pedantic!

dissabte, 31 de gener del 2009


Fever is a song created in 1956 by Eddie Cooley and John Davenport (a pseudonym for Otis Blackwell). The song became a pop standard after being transformed with additional lyrics by Peggy Lee.
The first time I heard this song, it was sung by Michael Buble. The second time, it was Diana Krall who was singing it and then, Peggy Lee...that makes me think that when we listen a song, we can't know if the singer would be the author, and we can't imagine where this piece comes from. For me, it's really interesting to investigate who is the creator of a song! You have the possibility to learn a lot of things!

Other singers who have played the song: Madonna, Sarah Vaughan, Bob Dylan, Celine Dion, Elvis Presley,... I add you a version of Eva Cassidy!

dilluns, 26 de gener del 2009

Yamakasi (2001)


I would like to apologize for my absence. I've been really busy this month with my university exams, so I've had to leave the blog for a few time.

However, I think this days in class we have talked about many interesting topics: swapping houses, freeruning, Richard Dawkins,... I have a lot of things that I would can talk about.

Today, I'm going to summerize a film called "Yamakasi" because it's a great example of Parkour of Freerunning. I'm sure you would enjoy a lot with it because this sport has a lot of acrobatics. For me, it's like a dance, the freeflowers look for an aesthetic and a beauty too. In spite of a bad story, you could watch a good sign of this physical art.