"And I kept my eyes closed and I didn't look at my watch at all. And the trains coming in and out of the station were in a rhythm, like music or drumming. And it was like counting and saying "Left, right, left, right, left, right,..." which Siobhan taught me to do to make myself calm. And I was saying in my head, "Train coming. Train stopped. Train going. Silence. Train coming. Train stopped. Train going"... as if the trains were only in my mind.
I really like the main character of "The curious incident of the dog in the night-time". In spite of his problem that today I'm not going to talk about it, I think he's a nice boy. He pays atenttion to everything, every detail. Maybe he could be so weird, but in fact, we should follow his way. For instance, who whatches carefully the patterns that there are everywhere in our lives? There are a lot of beautiful little things that we don't usually see but they exist, and they could make us vivacious.
I like the book so much. I think the writer, Mark Haddon, has managed to be the voice of the character, and he explains us perfectly his point of view. I think it's a great book for this reason. It's not easy to do it.

I like the book so much. I think the writer, Mark Haddon, has managed to be the voice of the character, and he explains us perfectly his point of view. I think it's a great book for this reason. It's not easy to do it.