dissabte, 25 d’abril del 2009

Uncanny story

I'm so sorry but I don't know an uncanny story. I've never like to think in this kind of things because I'm a really frightened person.
So, solution! I've surfed on the Net and I've found a book: "Thirteen Uncanny Stories" by Hans Henny Jahnn. Take a look at this blog!

3 comentaris:

senyorapòstrof ha dit...

Oh, uncanny stories sometimes frighten, yes, you are right! But then sometimes are so good that you can end up laughing! You never know!

mariedavis ha dit...

Hola! Hablo espanol ... no digo bein -- pero quiero practicar. Visitar me blog -- favor de...y escribe en espanol.

Blue moon ha dit...

Yes, you are completely right! Her neck and shoulders are a bit odd for a Venus. But if you take a look as a hole, final result is beautiful, at least for me...