These feelings always reappear when I frequent "Cafetarium" of Tallers's street of Barcelona. It's a really nice place for writing, studying, reading the newspaper or meeting people while you're having a steaming cup of coffe. I recommend it! It's an interesting coffee shop with quite reasonable prices, pleasant owners, and a funny set: different kinds of weird mirrors, long curtains, undulating chairs and a warm orange lighting. The place is liven up with a relaxed electronic music too. But, the most important thing is the bar of dark chocolate that they always put in the coffee's plate. One more point for "Cafetarium"! I consider indispensable the contrast of sweet chocolate in comparison to bitter coffee!. Definitely, it's perfect.
We usually congratulate a cooker if a meal is nice but why don't we do the same thing with a nice café? I think there are coffee shops that hide a world inside it: how many stories could contain in it? and how many have been written?
Here you have their web if you're interested: